Understanding Query Execution with the Analyzer
ClickHouse processes queries extremely quickly, but the execution of a query is not a simple story. Let’s try to understand how a SELECT
query gets executed. To illustrate it, let’s add some data in a table in ClickHouse:
CREATE TABLE session_events(
clientId UUID,
sessionId UUID,
pageId UUID,
timestamp DateTime,
type String
) ORDER BY (timestamp);
INSERT INTO session_events SELECT * FROM generateRandom('clientId UUID,
sessionId UUID,
pageId UUID,
timestamp DateTime,
type Enum(\'type1\', \'type2\')', 1, 10, 2) LIMIT 1000;
Now that we have some data in ClickHouse, we want to run some queries and understand their execution. The execution of a query is decomposed into many steps. Each step of the query execution can be analyzed and troubleshooted using the corresponding EXPLAIN
query. These steps are summarized in the chart below:
Let’s look at each entity in action during query execution. We are going to take a few queries and then examine them using the EXPLAIN
The goal of a parser is to transform the query text into an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree). This step can be visualized using EXPLAIN AST
EXPLAIN AST SELECT min(timestamp), max(timestamp) FROM session_events;
│ SelectWithUnionQuery (children 1) │
│ ExpressionList (children 1) │
│ SelectQuery (children 2) │
│ ExpressionList (children 2) │
│ Function min (alias minimum_date) (children 1) │
│ ExpressionList (children 1) │
│ Identifier timestamp │
│ Function max (alias maximum_date) (children 1) │
│ ExpressionList (children 1) │
│ Identifier timestamp │
│ TablesInSelectQuery (children 1) │
│ TablesInSelectQueryElement (children 1) │
│ TableExpression (children 1) │
│ TableIdentifier session_events │
The output is an Abstract Syntax Tree that can be visualized as shown below:
Each node has corresponding children and the overall tree represents the overall structure of your query. This is a logical structure to help processing a query. From an end-user standpoint (unless interested in query execution), it is not super useful; this tool is mainly used by developers.
ClickHouse currently has two architectures for the Analyzer. You can use the old architecture by setting: enable_analyzer=0
. The new architecture is enabled by default. We are going to describe only the new architecture here, given the old one is going to be deprecated once the new analyzer is generally available.
The new architecture should provide us with a better framework to improve ClickHouse's performance. However, given it is a fundamental component of the query processing steps, it also might have a negative impact on some queries and there are known incompatibilities. You can revert back to the old analyzer by changing the enable_analyzer
setting at the query or user level.
The analyzer is an important step of the query execution. It takes an AST and transforms it into a query tree. The main benefit of a query tree over an AST is that a lot of the components will be resolved, like the storage for instance. We also know from which table to read, aliases are also resolved, and the tree knows the different data types used. With all these benefits, the analyzer can apply optimizations. The way these optimizations work is via “passes”. Every pass is going to look for different optimizations. You can see all the passes here, let’s see it in practice with our previous query:
EXPLAIN QUERY TREE passes=0 SELECT min(timestamp) AS minimum_date, max(timestamp) AS maximum_date FROM session_events SETTINGS allow_experimental_analyzer=1;
│ QUERY id: 0 │
│ LIST id: 1, nodes: 2 │
│ FUNCTION id: 2, alias: minimum_date, function_name: min, function_type: ordinary │
│ LIST id: 3, nodes: 1 │
│ IDENTIFIER id: 4, identifier: timestamp │
│ FUNCTION id: 5, alias: maximum_date, function_name: max, function_type: ordinary │
│ LIST id: 6, nodes: 1 │
│ IDENTIFIER id: 7, identifier: timestamp │
│ IDENTIFIER id: 8, identifier: session_events │
│ SETTINGS allow_experimental_analyzer=1 │
EXPLAIN QUERY TREE passes=20 SELECT min(timestamp) AS minimum_date, max(timestamp) AS maximum_date FROM session_events SETTINGS allow_experimental_analyzer=1;
│ QUERY id: 0 │
│ minimum_date DateTime │
│ maximum_date DateTime │
│ LIST id: 1, nodes: 2 │
│ FUNCTION id: 2, function_name: min, function_type: aggregate, result_type: DateTime │
│ LIST id: 3, nodes: 1 │
│ COLUMN id: 4, column_name: timestamp, result_type: DateTime, source_id: 5 │
│ FUNCTION id: 6, function_name: max, function_type: aggregate, result_type: DateTime │
│ LIST id: 7, nodes: 1 │
│ COLUMN id: 4, column_name: timestamp, result_type: DateTime, source_id: 5 │
│ TABLE id: 5, alias: __table1, table_name: default.session_events │
│ SETTINGS allow_experimental_analyzer=1 │
Between the two executions, you can see the resolution of aliases and projections.
The planner takes a query tree and builds a query plan out of it. The query tree tells us what we want to do with a specific query, and the query plan tells us how we will do it. Additional optimizations are going to be done as part of the query plan. You can use EXPLAIN PLAN
to see the query plan (EXPLAIN
will execute EXPLAIN PLAN
SELECT count(*)
FROM session_events
) AS total_rows
SELECT type, min(timestamp) AS minimum_date, max(timestamp) AS maximum_date, count(*) /total_rows * 100 AS percentage FROM session_events GROUP BY type
│ Expression ((Projection + Before ORDER BY)) │
│ Aggregating │
│ Expression (Before GROUP BY) │
│ ReadFromMergeTree (default.session_events) │
Even though this is giving us some information, we can get more. For example, maybe we want to know the column's name on top of which we need the projections. You can add the header to the query:
EXPLAIN header = 1
SELECT count(*)
FROM session_events
) AS total_rows
min(timestamp) AS minimum_date,
max(timestamp) AS maximum_date,
(count(*) / total_rows) * 100 AS percentage
FROM session_events
│ Expression ((Projection + Before ORDER BY)) │
│ Header: type String │
│ minimum_date DateTime │
│ maximum_date DateTime │